Idaho Youth Ranch
August 19, 2021
$32,000 Donated*
Mission: “We unite for youth by providing accessible programs and services that nurture hope, healing and resilience.” For over six decades, the Idaho Youth Ranch (IYR) has served youth throughout the state through outpatient therapies (including equine therapy); residential care (including emergency shelter and long-term treatment), job readiness training, adoptions services, and an alumni program that supports youth as long as needed. Our goal is to help youth heal, learn new coping skills, develop resilience, adopt a growth mindset, and leave our programs with the tools, insight, and support to live into their potential.
Project: Residential Treatment Facility near Middleton
Funds will be used to help us cross the finish line and complete a $2M match to build a 64-bed residential treatment facility for youth on the Hands of Promise campus near Middleton, Idaho. Your gift today will be doubled thanks to matching gifts from the Tomlinson Family Foundation, the JR Simplot Company Foundation, and Duane and Lori Steuckle. They have a combined match up to $2M so that we can finish the Idaho Youth Ranch Residential Center for Healing & Resilience and bring Idaho's kids home as quickly as possible. With your support, Idaho Youth Ranch Residential Center for Healing and Resilience will be a place of hope for generations of Idahoans to come.
This new facility will make it possible to bring over 100 youth back to Idaho for the treatment they need close to home. Currently, 120 Idaho youth, half of which come from the Treasure Valley (estimate based on Idaho population demographics), have been sent out of state as far away as Texas and Arkansas for specialized treatment to address their mental health needs. There are an additional 80 youth on the waiting list and the numbers are increasing. The new facility will serve 100 youth each year, keeping them close to their families and communities for support, coordination and follow up during and after treatment.
EIN: 82-0253346
Donation Link:
Address: 5465 Irving St (Boise, ID 83706)
*Includes member donations, applicable company matches, and IYR supporter foundations matching $1 for $1.